Refund Policy

We have provided online demos of all of our products, please take your time to test and evaluate our products before making a purchase. Please make sure that you have all the required modules, privileges, and support for the server as mentioned on our requirement page.

Since it’s a digital product. 100% source code is delivered instantly with your purchase. So there are no refunds. Kindly check the live demo before you purchase. What you see on the demo is what you get exactly. Anything that’s not available in our live demo, has to be customized/developed at an additional cost. It doesn’t come in the base software cost.

We stand behind our products and your satisfaction with them is important to us. However, because our products are digital goods delivered via Internet download we generally offer no refunds.

A refund will not be given for the reason of the user’s lack of knowledge and limitations of the products. If you have any pre-purchase questions please ask our support team. You can contact our support staff for help regarding the product after purchase.

Once the services are rendered we can’t provide you the Refund. We normally deliver the Purchases instantly via email. If you want to cancel the order be sure to cancel in Time.

Please send any questions regarding our refund policy here.
